An improved interface launches a new and improved version of its platform. Here is a preview of some of the changes we’ve made:

Search engine’s new search engine will allow users to decide whether they want to search on the entire platform, or only on the content for which full-text access is available:

Moteur de recherche

For authenticated users, the option to only search on the full-text available via the institution will be displayed below the search bar.

We’ve also redesigned the facets, the sorting options and the advanced search form based on librarians’ feedback:

Options de tri

Sort by relevance, date of publication and online publication date is possible.


The options to filter search results have been simplified.


A carousel will display new publications as well as recently added articles and ebooks:

Ouvrages consultés

The carousel for newly released publications will display the 20 most recently added titles. The most consulted titles will appear on subject-specific pages.

New subject-specific pages will allow for a smooth browsing experience and encourage the discovery of new publications:

Liste Ouvrages

Users will be able to access the list of all publications in a broad subject, and then drill down on a narrower subject, another broad subject or a publisher.

Enhanced personal features

We’ve updated existing citation management tools and added new features to the personal account functionality (title lists, search alerts, etc.):


The link “Citer cet article” allows the user to copy/paste the link in a standard format, or to export it to a citation manager.


The bibliography can be sent by email or exported to a citation manager.

Users can now notify their librarians if they are interested in a particular publication:
